Okay, so some of you may already know what I am talking about, but for those of you who don't, what I've been planning on doing for sometime now is making a separate blog (or website) for recipes that will be linked to this one. The idea behind this is that during the Katimavik program we used a lot of different recipes from a lot of different sources, and with the end of the program all those recipes went in different directions across the country. I won't limit the number of submissions from anyone so you can feel free to submit as many as possible. If I get enough in French to warrant a second section I will separate the recipes to make it easier for everyone (I won't translate though). I will also mention that this is not limited to Katimavik participants, billet families, etc., but that anyone I know is welcome to make a submission as the more recipes the better!
I have studying to do so this is just a preview of my plans rather than a release, but feel free to begin typing up your favourite recipes and send them to Ed's Gmail account.
An archive of the Adventures of E. Main as he ventured across Canada participating in the Katimavik program.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Micro$oft Sucks!!! ----> Try OpenOffice.org
Well, I've decided that today is officially Micro$oft Sucks day! I went to reinstall the copy of MS Office XP for Students and Teachers that work and registered fine two days ago. After reinstalling Windows XP due to registry issues, Office no longer would activate via the Internet and when I called MS to activate over the phone they wouldn't let me as it was activated on another computer! Yeah, mine! So when my friend had problems with her computer and needed to open Word files before she could get MS Office, I suggested OpenOffice.org. Seeing as I was having the same issue a couple weeks later I took my own advice. It is very similar to MS Office so it doesn't take a lot of getting used to. Also you can open a ton of different formats as well as being able to save to those formats, such as MS Word. The best part about Open Office is because it is open source and community developed.... It's FREE! That's right....FREE! Can anyone remember the last time Microsoft gave out MS Office for free? Oh, and Open Office works on Macs, PCs and Linux based machines. I came very close to telling the Microsoft representative on the phone that I was going to install Open Office instead but I don't feel it necessary to do them the favour of telling them anymore about where the eventual downfall of Micro$oft is coming from. While Open Office is open source, meaning anyone can edit the code for the program, it is NOT some program by a Joe Nobody. Google and Sun Microsystems (makers of Java) are the main backers in this initiative allowing it to be easily accessed and have quality that surpasses MS Office. I am a big supporter of Google, if for no other reason than they are one of the only companies with enough influence to take down Microsoft. The next time you get a second on your way to doing a Google search add in the word options after the slash and check out the small list. To really find out what Google is up to takes more work, but I suggest checking out this if you doubt me. Google is definitely here to stay.
I've added more pictures to the Katimavik album, and I'm still trying to figure out where post-Katimavik pictures are going since Facebook requires an account.
Main Man, Out.
I've added more pictures to the Katimavik album, and I'm still trying to figure out where post-Katimavik pictures are going since Facebook requires an account.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Pictures 42 - 44 Up
So I got around to posting more pictures on the site. I have 3 more albums to go up on the Katimavik pictures page, then I'll see about posting pictures taken by other people in the group as a special treat.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Quick Post
I am still alive and did not eat myself into oblivion over Thanksgiving, though I tried. Just a quick post as I have some changes to explain. First, the rest of the Katimavik pictures will be posted (sometime) in the normal fashion. Second, new pictures, seeing as I have a lot less of those will be posted in a new location, leaving the other to be strictly Katimavik pictures. This new location should be accessible by clicking on the Facebook tag with my picture in it on the right side menu bar. If it won't let you in without an account let me know and I will post new pictures in another location. As always to do so you can either leave a comment here or email me at Eddie Main.
I'm off as I have a mid-term tomorrow and another on Friday.
Main Man, Out.
I'm off as I have a mid-term tomorrow and another on Friday.
Main Man, Out.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Dude, Where's the Party?
So tonight's agenda had included a party at our place (always a good time), followed by a hazy morning. No one could make it and we couldn't find anything close enough to crash, so we went next door and hung out with the girls because they have a working TV. I figured that since I'm trying to get this back up to standard I might as well try to post some pictures before bed.
Also for those of you with Facebook, check mine out at Ed's Facebook.
Main Man, Out.
Also for those of you with Facebook, check mine out at Ed's Facebook.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Still in Operation
Wow! I apologize to the people who I know that check this regularly. The end of Katimavik saw a great decline in both computers and spare time, which resulted in the catastrophic lack of posts and news. I intend to keep this blog running as a way of chronicalling my adventures in the world of higher education.
I will be posting pictures again as I have reliable access to the technology needed to do so. I also have some cool features that I will try to integrate into this blog, though I make no guarantees.
For now I will say that I enjoyed Frosh Week '06, though I found cross-campus activities to be sub-par to my expectations, my faculty events more than made up for the lack. A big shout out to all the wonderful AHS Frosh leaders and all the amazing AHSSIES who made it such a great week!
Class starts at 8:30 am tomorrow morning, thus ending this update.
Main Man, Out.
I will be posting pictures again as I have reliable access to the technology needed to do so. I also have some cool features that I will try to integrate into this blog, though I make no guarantees.
For now I will say that I enjoyed Frosh Week '06, though I found cross-campus activities to be sub-par to my expectations, my faculty events more than made up for the lack. A big shout out to all the wonderful AHS Frosh leaders and all the amazing AHSSIES who made it such a great week!
Class starts at 8:30 am tomorrow morning, thus ending this update.
Main Man, Out.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
72 Hours Off This Weekend
Well, I know that I have been promising that I will put up pictures and I know that I haven't. I do apologize and have been trying to get the computer working again. I will be spending most of the weekend working on a computer and will be bringing my pictures home and posting them. 100% Guaranteed!!
I have lots of news but I am on a bad laptop connection and will save it for the weekend.
Main Man, Out.
I have lots of news but I am on a bad laptop connection and will save it for the weekend.
Main Man, Out.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
5 Days and Counting!!!
Well, my birthday is right around the corner so I thought I would make a post, seeing as I have something to talk about. So, for those of you who may not know what is appropriate to get me, I have a few guidelines that may make things easier.
I have plenty of McDonald's and Tim Horton's gift certificates.
I have few Home Depot gift certificates.
I have been customizing cars, computers, and anything else lately.
I STILL collect Star Wars Lego.
I'm not kidding about the last one.
I currently really enjoy Celtic punk rock.
Star Wars.
Well, that's a start. I've finally got the airbrush to work, thought you would like to know Mom. I haven't painted anything yet, seeing as I lack prep equipment, but will begin as soon as I get some.
Billeting was amazing, and I took a ton of pictures of "Chateau Dunromin", which will probably hit the web in three phases, not to mention others that aren't up yet.
I'm starting to get nervous/excited about university seeing as I have to pick my courses beginning on my birthday. I trying my darndest to stay ahead of everything so that things will be easier. I missed the residence preference form date so I'll get placed randomly in the next little while.
I have an email to write for my computer and it's getting late, so I'll stop for now.
Take care everybody.
Main Man, Out.
I have plenty of McDonald's and Tim Horton's gift certificates.
I have few Home Depot gift certificates.
I have been customizing cars, computers, and anything else lately.
I STILL collect Star Wars Lego.
I'm not kidding about the last one.
I currently really enjoy Celtic punk rock.
Star Wars.
Well, that's a start. I've finally got the airbrush to work, thought you would like to know Mom. I haven't painted anything yet, seeing as I lack prep equipment, but will begin as soon as I get some.
Billeting was amazing, and I took a ton of pictures of "Chateau Dunromin", which will probably hit the web in three phases, not to mention others that aren't up yet.
I'm starting to get nervous/excited about university seeing as I have to pick my courses beginning on my birthday. I trying my darndest to stay ahead of everything so that things will be easier. I missed the residence preference form date so I'll get placed randomly in the next little while.
I have an email to write for my computer and it's getting late, so I'll stop for now.
Take care everybody.
Main Man, Out.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Billeting Starts Tomorrow
So I don't know whether or not I will have internet access during billeting, so there may not be a post of contact info for while I'm billeting. Hopefully I will and I will be able to get some time to do some much needed maintance and updates to the site.
On another note, my birthday is fast approaching (26 days) so I'll soon be posting a wish list of small items, most of them useful for university next year.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out.
On another note, my birthday is fast approaching (26 days) so I'll soon be posting a wish list of small items, most of them useful for university next year.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
I'm getting behind....

So, not having access to a computer at my job has really affected my blog quality. Therefore I will be endeavouring to remedy this problem, to the best of my ability.
The photo that I have added to this post (a rare occurrence indeed!) was taken at the Belleville Public Library after a talk given by David Suzuki. Since then I have started work at Sandbanks Provincial Park, been house manager for a week, done a Ju-Jitsu class, gone into Belleville again, and have been in the local paper.
The last 3 days have been long days, as I have been weed-whacking at the park. I've also discovered that I am immune to the effects of poison ivy.
Picture descriptions may have to wait until billeting, which begins next Friday, as may videos. (Though I will do my best to get something up sooner)
Main Man, Out.
Sunday, June 11, 2006
More Pictures Are Up!
Well, I've posted picture albums 39 and 40 now. I should have descriptions up soon, and with any luck start catching back up on movies. For now though, I'm going to bed.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Friday, June 02, 2006
Ed's Contact Info
The new address where I can be reached is:
Eddie Main
59 Inkerman Ave
SS 12
Picton, Ontario,
K0K 2T0
I don't have the phone number handy now but I will add it to this when I do.
Main Man, Out.
Eddie Main
59 Inkerman Ave
SS 12
Picton, Ontario,
K0K 2T0
I don't have the phone number handy now but I will add it to this when I do.
Main Man, Out.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I've uploaded a number of pictures to the site. I have two more albums, but I have hit my monthly upload limit so I'll try again in a few days. I will hopefully be able to get more videos up soon, as well.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Technical Difficulties
Just wanted to post and let people know what is going on with the site right now. There have been some issues with the computer and our login not allowing us to install new devices (i.e. my camera, and hard drive). These have been resolved and I will try to bring the site up to speed as soon as possible.
I am working at Sandbanks Provincial Park this rotation, our house is bigger than either of the other two, the town is super friendly and the Oilers are going to the Cup finals. Therefore, life with me is good.
Main Man, Out.
I am working at Sandbanks Provincial Park this rotation, our house is bigger than either of the other two, the town is super friendly and the Oilers are going to the Cup finals. Therefore, life with me is good.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Picture Descriptions for 36
Katimavik - Part 36 begin with our costumes that we bought at the Salvation Army Thrift Store for our final presentation. They were chosen on the basis of wacky and cheap (Wednesday Happy Hour is half off), and a budget of about $7 per costume. Some people bought shoes themselves, but everything else is in the budget. I must say that a beige cord suit is not to bad on me. The suit became my playoff suit, which I wore for every game of the Oilers vs. Sharks series that the Oilers won. We spent a lot of time hanging out at Niakwa Pizza and watching the games. Then we had an excursion to Gimli and Lake Winnipeg, where I got a stunning shot of two cool dudes and an awesome lake. There was this cool spitting frog fountain and of course, we had to do the fake peeing shot. Followed shortly thereafter with the real deal. I loved the blue in one of the paintings we saw hence the photo. We then went and checked out a Viking Statue to commemorate the founding of the town, and yes, because it was big I tried to climb it. We then toured a museum of the Icelandic history and took lots of crazy pictures of each other while waiting for our Project Leader to finish. We ended in Gimli by going to the beach and our PL gave us all finger puppets indicative of the animal we most resembled. I got a lion for my crazy mane. Then we did a group shot before we headed off to Narcisse to see the snake dens. Once we had toured the snake dens, which were near the end of their season, we had dinner and played a French version of twenty questions. When we got home, some of us went out to SNAC for a fire. The pictures with the big flames are the combustion of a Christmas Tree and three waxed cardboard boxes. And yes, some of those flames reached 12-14 feet high. I learned why a Christmas tree is such a fire hazard after watching that one burn.
The next picture post will probably be in Picton, after next Wednesday.
Main Man, Out.
The next picture post will probably be in Picton, after next Wednesday.
Main Man, Out.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Picture Descriptions for 34 and 35
Katimavik - Part 34 is actually not taken in a Katimavik activity, but is rather my time back in Ontario during my 48 hours off at the end of April. There's a couple of shots of the view from my window seat (thanks Mom), both on takeoff and on a clear, night landing in Toronto. I spent most of the weekend hanging out with people, and the rest of the pictures were from Danielle's house on Saturday night. There might have been some on Sunday, except for the fact that I partially dropped my camera into the hot tub. The gang present includes Bryan, Megs, Danielle, Steve and me.
Katimavik - Part 35 begins with why you should sleep in your bed, because if you don't you get pictures taken of you. Then we had two friends of a group member stay a couple of nights with us, as they traveled across Canada on tour. We did some community volunteering on the Trans-Canada Trail, raking bark chips flat for paths. It not only poured rain in the late afternoon, but sleet and hail as a bonus. We stopped working at that point. This is followed by some pictures of our quaint, little St. Norbert Katimahouse, and a peaceful participant in the doorway.
There is a chance that I may get album 36 up this week, but for those who don't remember how busy last rotation time was, this is slim chance.
Remember to check out the videos.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik - Part 35 begins with why you should sleep in your bed, because if you don't you get pictures taken of you. Then we had two friends of a group member stay a couple of nights with us, as they traveled across Canada on tour. We did some community volunteering on the Trans-Canada Trail, raking bark chips flat for paths. It not only poured rain in the late afternoon, but sleet and hail as a bonus. We stopped working at that point. This is followed by some pictures of our quaint, little St. Norbert Katimahouse, and a peaceful participant in the doorway.
There is a chance that I may get album 36 up this week, but for those who don't remember how busy last rotation time was, this is slim chance.
Remember to check out the videos.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Videos are now available at Ed's Tech Blog. I've posted a number so far, with the near future including Magnetic Hill and other amazing Katimavik moments.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Main Man Unveils Two New Blogs!
The first new blog to be unveiled is one that has been a while in the making. It will be pre-approved access, via e-mail subscription, as it contains non-pg 13 content. The address will be give upon successful subscription. As always, Ed's E-mail
The second blog has had no preceding fanfare whatsoever as it was entirely a spur of the moment decision to create. This one is available at Ed Main Tech. I figure that this is a place for me to write out my thoughts on technology, and that it may or may not see any readership. Feel free if you disagree to post a comment, if you wish to make posts for me to look at send me an email or comment and I will subscribe you. Also, once I get my act together I will be posting the movies shot with my camera via YouTube on this blog.
Hope you enjoy.
Main Man, Out.
The second blog has had no preceding fanfare whatsoever as it was entirely a spur of the moment decision to create. This one is available at Ed Main Tech. I figure that this is a place for me to write out my thoughts on technology, and that it may or may not see any readership. Feel free if you disagree to post a comment, if you wish to make posts for me to look at send me an email or comment and I will subscribe you. Also, once I get my act together I will be posting the movies shot with my camera via YouTube on this blog.
Hope you enjoy.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
I Don't Know!
Well, I figured that I should post something re: my 48 hours off and going home. It was a blast though I would have enjoyed a few more days. I got about 6 hours of sleep, and another 2 hours on the plane home. Highlights include, hanging with friends, seeing everybody at church, befuddling people with the beard, and spending an hour and a half sitting in the front seat of a Land Rover Range Rover Sport Supercharged. Wow.
Low points include it only being 48 hours long, my dropping of the camera into the hot tub, and the weather in Winnipeg upon my return.
All in all, a very enjoyable weekend!
Main Man, Out.
Low points include it only being 48 hours long, my dropping of the camera into the hot tub, and the weather in Winnipeg upon my return.
All in all, a very enjoyable weekend!
Main Man, Out.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Lost to a Crash!
Okay, I know that this might give some people heart failure, but a mere one day later I am posting picture descriptions.
Katimavik - Part 30 involves a bit of description. For my billeting stay this rotation I stayed with a family whose property backs onto the Red River. The Red River is the same one that flooded badly in 1997, making headlines across Canada. So, seeing as I was billeting during the first surge I decide to take some pictures. The edge of the property extends approximately another 10 feet past the furthest tree in the water. The entire bottom plateau disappeared one morning after the ice broke up. I went back a few days ago and the situation hasn't changed all that much save for the bank being reinforced with sandbags left over from impromptu dikes. Then we get into the fun stuff. My billet dad owned a 1979 Triumph Spitfire that he has been restoring. One Sunday he went to his friend's house where the car is stored to work on it and left me with the instructions to call for a ride when I woke up. Needless to say that that is me riding in the sidecar. The bike is a Harley Davidson Shriner Edition, and the sidecar is pretty awesome. The ride is very smooth, which is not what I was expecting. After a few routine maintenance items and a wash and wax, the car was ready. My billet dad took it home and I drove the truck home. We then went out driving, to enjoy the nice spring day. I was introduced to the neighbour down the street (as his garage door was open and he was working on the Lamborghini Jalpa), which is where the picture of the Lamborghini badge comes from, and the V-12 BMW. Then there are pictures from the St. Norbert bridges over the LaSalle River, taken at night.
Katimavik - Part 31 opens with a great shot of my billet family (with the neighbour's son), followed by my room in the basement where I stayed over billeting. After returning from billeting it was time to renew my subscription with the HAWK! This time we actually shaved the sides down with a razor and then dyed the hawk blue. I must say that I look very emo with it combed over one side. We visited the Manitoba Museum, which was really neat because they had a lot of life-sized displays which really made things easy to understand. My parents sent me a bunch of candy for Easter so this is how we discovered that a Lifesaver Mint fits well on the end of a tongue barbell. This is followed by the Whirl-o-Puke, a game played by walking around a person seated on a blanket and then pulling out, so as to spin the person around. (Nobody actually puked)
Katimavik - Part 32 starts with a motif that is found in the galleries, a random closeup of my tongue. Then there's a six picture mini-series on why people say the Prairies are flat... and it's because, well... they're really flat. I unfortunately missed the big sign saying Oakville, MB, but managed to get my camera out in time for the one after. We then spent lunch in Minnedosa, MB, where two of us got to see friends from home. After a prolonged trip into Riding Mountain National Park (we missed our turn), we returned to the Erickson house and spent the evening hanging out with the Erickson, Minnedosa, and Neepawa groups. The album finishes with a few shots of the LaSalle River in the daytime, so that you can actually see the water levels.
Katimavik - Part 33 contains more of Katimavik's official sport, including some lovely hand drawn stormtroopers by yours truly. A couple of pictures from hanging out in my room follow. Then there's a bunch of shots taken during the Earth Day Activities at SNAC, where we volunteered as part of Global Youth Service Day. The last picture is at the Retirement Apartments, where our PL's grandmother lives. We were there presenting a play that we wrote, and serving snacks as the second half of our Global Youth Service Day commitment.
The title to this post was due to the fact that these descriptions would have been the closest to the time of the picture posting, except Blogger goofed on me.
Also pictures for the next while might be in shorter supply as I partly dropped my camera in a hot tub on my time off, and killed the LCD screen. While it's in for repairs, I've borrowed my buddy's camera, which means that I will only take it places I know it won't get damaged.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik - Part 30 involves a bit of description. For my billeting stay this rotation I stayed with a family whose property backs onto the Red River. The Red River is the same one that flooded badly in 1997, making headlines across Canada. So, seeing as I was billeting during the first surge I decide to take some pictures. The edge of the property extends approximately another 10 feet past the furthest tree in the water. The entire bottom plateau disappeared one morning after the ice broke up. I went back a few days ago and the situation hasn't changed all that much save for the bank being reinforced with sandbags left over from impromptu dikes. Then we get into the fun stuff. My billet dad owned a 1979 Triumph Spitfire that he has been restoring. One Sunday he went to his friend's house where the car is stored to work on it and left me with the instructions to call for a ride when I woke up. Needless to say that that is me riding in the sidecar. The bike is a Harley Davidson Shriner Edition, and the sidecar is pretty awesome. The ride is very smooth, which is not what I was expecting. After a few routine maintenance items and a wash and wax, the car was ready. My billet dad took it home and I drove the truck home. We then went out driving, to enjoy the nice spring day. I was introduced to the neighbour down the street (as his garage door was open and he was working on the Lamborghini Jalpa), which is where the picture of the Lamborghini badge comes from, and the V-12 BMW. Then there are pictures from the St. Norbert bridges over the LaSalle River, taken at night.
Katimavik - Part 31 opens with a great shot of my billet family (with the neighbour's son), followed by my room in the basement where I stayed over billeting. After returning from billeting it was time to renew my subscription with the HAWK! This time we actually shaved the sides down with a razor and then dyed the hawk blue. I must say that I look very emo with it combed over one side. We visited the Manitoba Museum, which was really neat because they had a lot of life-sized displays which really made things easy to understand. My parents sent me a bunch of candy for Easter so this is how we discovered that a Lifesaver Mint fits well on the end of a tongue barbell. This is followed by the Whirl-o-Puke, a game played by walking around a person seated on a blanket and then pulling out, so as to spin the person around. (Nobody actually puked)
Katimavik - Part 32 starts with a motif that is found in the galleries, a random closeup of my tongue. Then there's a six picture mini-series on why people say the Prairies are flat... and it's because, well... they're really flat. I unfortunately missed the big sign saying Oakville, MB, but managed to get my camera out in time for the one after. We then spent lunch in Minnedosa, MB, where two of us got to see friends from home. After a prolonged trip into Riding Mountain National Park (we missed our turn), we returned to the Erickson house and spent the evening hanging out with the Erickson, Minnedosa, and Neepawa groups. The album finishes with a few shots of the LaSalle River in the daytime, so that you can actually see the water levels.
Katimavik - Part 33 contains more of Katimavik's official sport, including some lovely hand drawn stormtroopers by yours truly. A couple of pictures from hanging out in my room follow. Then there's a bunch of shots taken during the Earth Day Activities at SNAC, where we volunteered as part of Global Youth Service Day. The last picture is at the Retirement Apartments, where our PL's grandmother lives. We were there presenting a play that we wrote, and serving snacks as the second half of our Global Youth Service Day commitment.
The title to this post was due to the fact that these descriptions would have been the closest to the time of the picture posting, except Blogger goofed on me.
Also pictures for the next while might be in shorter supply as I partly dropped my camera in a hot tub on my time off, and killed the LCD screen. While it's in for repairs, I've borrowed my buddy's camera, which means that I will only take it places I know it won't get damaged.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Party Saturday Night
Okay, here's the deal. Saturday night's plan for this weekend includes a BBQ and some baseball at Bryan's. Bryan sent out an email saying something like this, "Eddie is back in town for the weekend... i.e. my place sat night (pretty sure my place, gotta get that double checked). It involves 5 bucks for food, a baseball glove and baseball bat if you've got one...
You MUST either email Bryan or call Bryan BY Thursday night, or you're not allowed... haha no.. seriously no jokes....
This is NOT BYOB, it is not Booze is provided, it IS an alcohol-free event!"
The moral of this story, (because every story I post has to have a moral) is that those who don't RSVP Bryan, don't eat and don't get to spend as much time with me (stuff will be moving around as the night gets really late...).
So, no excuses here, as you can get in touch with me at Ed's Email, or email Bryan directly at Bryan's Email.
Last reminder, RSVP IF YOU ARE COMING! Bryan needs numbers or his mom might just throw people out!
P.S. Start time is 7:15 and directions can be provided upon RSVPing.
Main Man, Out.
You MUST either email Bryan or call Bryan BY Thursday night, or you're not allowed... haha no.. seriously no jokes....
This is NOT BYOB, it is not Booze is provided, it IS an alcohol-free event!"
The moral of this story, (because every story I post has to have a moral) is that those who don't RSVP Bryan, don't eat and don't get to spend as much time with me (stuff will be moving around as the night gets really late...).
So, no excuses here, as you can get in touch with me at Ed's Email, or email Bryan directly at Bryan's Email.
Last reminder, RSVP IF YOU ARE COMING! Bryan needs numbers or his mom might just throw people out!
P.S. Start time is 7:15 and directions can be provided upon RSVPing.
Main Man, Out.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Picture Descriptions
Wow, I'm behind the times in picture descriptions, so lets see if I can't change that somewhat.
Katimavik - Part 22 includes the cleanest you'll every see the Fredericton house, that is just before we left, and the monster pile of luggage in the living room. These are followed by lots of pictures from rotation camp, which is a two day period where you talk about the last 3 months with the other groups in your cluster, and get no sleep. A couple of very accurate pictures from the Moncton airport at about 3:00 am (Hour 19 sans sleep), and a few from Pearson Airport, (Hour 23 sans sleep) a couple of shots on the plane, then coming into Winnipeg. First impressions include "wow, it's flat" and "that's pretty white (with snow)". Chilling on the coach bus (all ten of us to an entire bus) at about Hour 28. Pictures of the house will be forthcoming as it was too cold for my camera to work when we got here. A bunch of random shots from our first week in Winnipeg, which includes stopping and visiting our Project Leader's grandmother in St. Boniface. We tried cross-country skiing with, as depicted, mixed results. You can call me Master Jump, or the Grandfather of Air, or other such endearments.
Katimavik - Part 23 starts with three pictures from the Skate-a-thon that the school did (I supervised... Great job for me, eh?), then a bunch of pictures from our first community activity, which was to wrap wire around the base of the tree to keep the beavers from enjoying it. Then we went to a screening of The Rocket, at the Winnipeg Film Festival, and we proved that although you can dress us up, you can't take us out. A few pictures of my week as house manager follow, digital cameras are fun when you're bored. Then our second big community volunteer project, which was selling bingo tickets at a casino, to support the Trans Canada Trail. They had a hallway which was a big fish tank in an arc over your head.
Katimavik - Part 24 is just hanging around, up to no good. Then we took a trip to a Oak Hammock Marsh to do some snowshoeing with the Stonewall group. After locking the keys in the van we had an impromptu trip to the Stonewall group house, where we stayed until very late (read some people 12:30, scheduled return was 5:30). This is all followed by more hanging out pictures (in case you haven't guessed this is my room).
Katimavik - Part 25. Katimavik's official sport...Body modifying!!! Drawing, piercing, tattooing, etc, etc. St. Patrick's Day at the St. Norbert Arts Centre, and yes, I am drinking Guinness. The Minnedosa group came to visit on the Saturday and stayed the night.
Katimavik - Part 26 is entirely pictures of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks that stayed at the St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC). They created a sand mandala, which is in essence a 2D representational prayer of a 3D celestial palace, each one being specific to an individual deity. It is very painstaking work, and when it is completed it is destroyed, symbolizing the impermanence of things in life.
Katimavik - Part 27 includes a number of shots from an art showing at SNAC during the spring solstice. One of the monks came down for a bit and jammed. There was a lot of just hanging around talking to some really cool people. It's all followed up by some more hanging around when we got back to the house. The last shot is of two very fringe element dudes, code named Hawk and Dreads. When there around the party will be rocking, so long as they don't get crossed!
Katimavik - Part 28 is a celebration of a birthday, and what better way to start then with a picture of the birthday girl! A bunch of random shots ensue, culminating with the round of shots that all but two of us did (I, being the camera man, was one of the two). Two quick shots of a conflict mediation workshop, then a picture of one of my roommates, Dreads, not entirely enjoying his dreams. Chillin'. Then onto Mardi Jazz, a French activity involving small amounts of French, good music, and no, there is no one in any picture that I'm aware of that is stoned. Finally, an Amish version of ZZ Top to finish off the night.
Katimavik - Part 29... The World of Wheels and Piston Ring Auto Parts presents Winnipeg's Auto Show. My billet dad took me to this, with one of his buddies and his buddy's kid. It was pretty awesome, with a definite focus on aftermarket customization and restoration. If there is any specific car that you want more info on, pop me an email and I'll see what I can do. Some of them had some pretty neat stuff done.
More pictures might just get on tonight, or I may not. The matching descriptions will definitely not.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik - Part 22 includes the cleanest you'll every see the Fredericton house, that is just before we left, and the monster pile of luggage in the living room. These are followed by lots of pictures from rotation camp, which is a two day period where you talk about the last 3 months with the other groups in your cluster, and get no sleep. A couple of very accurate pictures from the Moncton airport at about 3:00 am (Hour 19 sans sleep), and a few from Pearson Airport, (Hour 23 sans sleep) a couple of shots on the plane, then coming into Winnipeg. First impressions include "wow, it's flat" and "that's pretty white (with snow)". Chilling on the coach bus (all ten of us to an entire bus) at about Hour 28. Pictures of the house will be forthcoming as it was too cold for my camera to work when we got here. A bunch of random shots from our first week in Winnipeg, which includes stopping and visiting our Project Leader's grandmother in St. Boniface. We tried cross-country skiing with, as depicted, mixed results. You can call me Master Jump, or the Grandfather of Air, or other such endearments.
Katimavik - Part 23 starts with three pictures from the Skate-a-thon that the school did (I supervised... Great job for me, eh?), then a bunch of pictures from our first community activity, which was to wrap wire around the base of the tree to keep the beavers from enjoying it. Then we went to a screening of The Rocket, at the Winnipeg Film Festival, and we proved that although you can dress us up, you can't take us out. A few pictures of my week as house manager follow, digital cameras are fun when you're bored. Then our second big community volunteer project, which was selling bingo tickets at a casino, to support the Trans Canada Trail. They had a hallway which was a big fish tank in an arc over your head.
Katimavik - Part 24 is just hanging around, up to no good. Then we took a trip to a Oak Hammock Marsh to do some snowshoeing with the Stonewall group. After locking the keys in the van we had an impromptu trip to the Stonewall group house, where we stayed until very late (read some people 12:30, scheduled return was 5:30). This is all followed by more hanging out pictures (in case you haven't guessed this is my room).
Katimavik - Part 25. Katimavik's official sport...Body modifying!!! Drawing, piercing, tattooing, etc, etc. St. Patrick's Day at the St. Norbert Arts Centre, and yes, I am drinking Guinness. The Minnedosa group came to visit on the Saturday and stayed the night.
Katimavik - Part 26 is entirely pictures of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks that stayed at the St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC). They created a sand mandala, which is in essence a 2D representational prayer of a 3D celestial palace, each one being specific to an individual deity. It is very painstaking work, and when it is completed it is destroyed, symbolizing the impermanence of things in life.
Katimavik - Part 27 includes a number of shots from an art showing at SNAC during the spring solstice. One of the monks came down for a bit and jammed. There was a lot of just hanging around talking to some really cool people. It's all followed up by some more hanging around when we got back to the house. The last shot is of two very fringe element dudes, code named Hawk and Dreads. When there around the party will be rocking, so long as they don't get crossed!
Katimavik - Part 28 is a celebration of a birthday, and what better way to start then with a picture of the birthday girl! A bunch of random shots ensue, culminating with the round of shots that all but two of us did (I, being the camera man, was one of the two). Two quick shots of a conflict mediation workshop, then a picture of one of my roommates, Dreads, not entirely enjoying his dreams. Chillin'. Then onto Mardi Jazz, a French activity involving small amounts of French, good music, and no, there is no one in any picture that I'm aware of that is stoned. Finally, an Amish version of ZZ Top to finish off the night.
Katimavik - Part 29... The World of Wheels and Piston Ring Auto Parts presents Winnipeg's Auto Show. My billet dad took me to this, with one of his buddies and his buddy's kid. It was pretty awesome, with a definite focus on aftermarket customization and restoration. If there is any specific car that you want more info on, pop me an email and I'll see what I can do. Some of them had some pretty neat stuff done.
More pictures might just get on tonight, or I may not. The matching descriptions will definitely not.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Important Things
Okay, got a few things that I need to mention.
First, this blog will suffer somewhat in the picture department in the future. Unfortunately, we have lost the use of our router as it caused more trouble than it was worth, and was therefore removed by higher powers. Short of obtaining a Linksys router (Main Man does not endorse D-link products whatsoever) we will have extremely limited access in the house. I cannot post pictures at school due to the set up of the lab, and the fact that I need a power source.
Second, there has been a great interest in my family brownie recipe. I will make a select few copies available in a limited edition e-mail series. THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Please send an e-mail to Ed's Email, with Brownies as the subject if you would like a copy.
Third, for those of you who will be in Oakville on the 28, 29, 30 of April, and wish to see me here is my schedule. Friday night is going to be spent with my family as I get in around 12pm. Saturday morning and afternoon I will be sleeping and cleaning the car. Saturday evening is my hanging out with friends time (and early Sunday morning :) ). Sunday morning involves an appearance at church, which should draw record crowds. Sunday afternoon will be packing up and saying goodbyes and then I'll be leavin', on a jet plane...(breaks into song...)
Fourth, I found this really cool website that I saw on the back window of a VW Golf TDI. Check it out Grease Car and let me know what you think, I may just tell you what my crazy idea is...
Main Man, Out.
First, this blog will suffer somewhat in the picture department in the future. Unfortunately, we have lost the use of our router as it caused more trouble than it was worth, and was therefore removed by higher powers. Short of obtaining a Linksys router (Main Man does not endorse D-link products whatsoever) we will have extremely limited access in the house. I cannot post pictures at school due to the set up of the lab, and the fact that I need a power source.
Second, there has been a great interest in my family brownie recipe. I will make a select few copies available in a limited edition e-mail series. THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Please send an e-mail to Ed's Email, with Brownies as the subject if you would like a copy.
Third, for those of you who will be in Oakville on the 28, 29, 30 of April, and wish to see me here is my schedule. Friday night is going to be spent with my family as I get in around 12pm. Saturday morning and afternoon I will be sleeping and cleaning the car. Saturday evening is my hanging out with friends time (and early Sunday morning :) ). Sunday morning involves an appearance at church, which should draw record crowds. Sunday afternoon will be packing up and saying goodbyes and then I'll be leavin', on a jet plane...(breaks into song...)
Fourth, I found this really cool website that I saw on the back window of a VW Golf TDI. Check it out Grease Car and let me know what you think, I may just tell you what my crazy idea is...
Main Man, Out.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Coming Home!!!!
No, I haven't been kicked out or anything, just wanted to make it known that I am coming home on April the 28, 29, and 30 to visit on my time off. I get home late Friday night, and will be leaving again Sunday afternoon. If you want to know what my specific plans are for any time in the weekend send me an email and I will get back to you. I hope to see as many people as possible in the weekend and will try my best to get the opportunity to.
Ed's Email
Main Man, Out.
Ed's Email
Main Man, Out.
Billeting Update!!!
Well, I realized that not only has it been a while since I checked my Blog, it's been a long time since I've posted. Mainly, it's because I've been billeting and the weather has finally begun to warm up, so I've been outside or doing cool, billeting things. These include such things are riding in a 1979 Triumph Spitfire, checking out the neighbour's Lamborghini and V-12 BMW, going to autoshows, and hanging with the nextdoor neighbour. So, I haven't spent a lot of time on the net recently, and I know that some people may be wondering whether I'm still alive. The answer is "Yes, I am still alive, and will do my best to get the site back up to speed." Right now, though, I'm going to bed.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Star Trek Character!
I took a quiz that my Mom sent to me that figures out which Star Trek character you have the most in common with. Here's how I did...
You are Geordi LaForge

You work well with others and often
fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.
Geordi LaForge
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Will Riker
Mr. Scott
Deanna Troi
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Mr. Sulu
Beverly Crusher
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...
Try it yourself and post the results as a comment.
(P.S. I replied to your comment Mom, the one posted to billeting contact post.)
Main Man, Out.
You are Geordi LaForge

fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...
Try it yourself and post the results as a comment.
(P.S. I replied to your comment Mom, the one posted to billeting contact post.)
Main Man, Out.
Billeting Contacts!
Hey, so here's the deal. I'm billeting in the community for the next two weeks so if you need to get in touch, you can call me at (204)-235-0657. E-mail is always an option as I can check it both at home and at work, so mr.eddie.main@gmail.com. If anybody wants to mail me anything give me a call or an e-mail, and I can get you a mailing address. Picture descriptions have an ETA of sometime in the next two weeks and I may just begin composing another e-mail newsletter, so this gives people another opportunity to sign up. (Those already subscribed, do not have to do so again). Alright, this is all for now.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
To those who may be offended by pictures regarding the consumption of alcohol, do not view albums 27 and 28 on the pictures link.
Alice this means you! Just kidding!
All people photographed were of legal age at the time of consumption and/or the time the picture was taken in the Province of Manitoba.
Enjoy (Responsibly)!
Main Man, Out.
Alice this means you! Just kidding!
All people photographed were of legal age at the time of consumption and/or the time the picture was taken in the Province of Manitoba.
Enjoy (Responsibly)!
Main Man, Out.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Quick Update!
Here's the deal. Billeting begins at the end of the workweek, i.e. Friday, and runs for the next two weeks. I'm hoping to get all the pictures on the site by then, and maybe discriptions, though I doubt it. March break is this week for the school and so there is a ton of stuff to be cleaned and not much time to be on the computer, but at least the internet seems to be working at home meaning that I can post pictures. G-mail works again, just in case anybody didn't see the comment I added.
I should know billeting contact info by Wednesday, which is the day that I meet my family, so expect it on the site sometime shortly after.
Enjoy the pictures.
Main Man, Out.
I should know billeting contact info by Wednesday, which is the day that I meet my family, so expect it on the site sometime shortly after.
Enjoy the pictures.
Main Man, Out.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Gmail Not Working!
Well, Gmail is having issues in general so those of you who have been trying to reach me via my Gmail, should either post the message here or send a copy to blocker_save@hotmail.com. Hopefully, Gmail will resume full operation soon and I will be able to once againg recieve email.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
More Picture Descriptions
Wow, I realized that I posted the pictures of the fire-spinning workshop twice, in both Part 15 and 16 and nobody noticed.
Katimavik - Part 17 is pictures taken at the end of billeting: my room, my packed stuff, the photo I left the family, etc. The Saturday after billeting was rise and shine early to go spend the day in Saint John, NB. We went to Canada's oldest consecutively run market, took a walking tour of historic downtown, visited the Saint John museum, had dinner at Taco Pico's (a Mexican restaurant) and went to see a Sea Dogs boxing match...I mean...hockey game. When we got home we had very little time before we had 3 groups in the house, with some rotating out only to be replaced by another. In all there were 5 Katimavik groups in Fredricton that Saturday.
Katimavik - Part 18 is pictures from my work place in Fredericton, York Manor Nursing Home. One of the favourite games was crokinole, though we weren't using the nice board that day. Greek night was Greek food and togas, scrounged from whatever fabric you could find in the house. (Don't I look good with blue hair, wrapped in a sheer curtain!) Then there's some shaving going down, followed by orange night, where food and clothes were orange.
Katimavik - Part 19 starts with a trio of nuts going jogging in winter, then a great spaced out shot. Then the long process of dying hair began, with two of us bleaching then dying all or part of our heads blue, and one going darker. Don't ask about the pillow, you don't want to know.
Katimavik - Part 20 is our overnight excursion to Moncton, NB. The first bunch of snaps comes from the Crystal Palace, an indoor amusement park. The museum type pictures are from the Acadian Museum in the University of Moncton. We then headed out to Hopewell Rocks and had a ton of fun exploring and running around in the tide flats and caves. We then went to a biodiverse, organic farm and learned about self-sustaining, organic farming, and got to chill with the cool animals. The last shot is of my great-great-aunt Pearl and I, taken at her house in Fredericton.
Katimavik - Part 21 begins with a Valentines Day party at York Manor, then moves into beard and hair cutting, which is part of Katimavik's unofficial sport, body modification. With a beautiful segway, I'll keep with the theme and move into body modification of a different sort, restarting a heart. Then with yet another body segway, we finish with a beautiful picture display lots of body. Who knows I might publish the photo-edited version the next time I'm putting up pictures.
Katimavik - Part 17 is pictures taken at the end of billeting: my room, my packed stuff, the photo I left the family, etc. The Saturday after billeting was rise and shine early to go spend the day in Saint John, NB. We went to Canada's oldest consecutively run market, took a walking tour of historic downtown, visited the Saint John museum, had dinner at Taco Pico's (a Mexican restaurant) and went to see a Sea Dogs boxing match...I mean...hockey game. When we got home we had very little time before we had 3 groups in the house, with some rotating out only to be replaced by another. In all there were 5 Katimavik groups in Fredricton that Saturday.
Katimavik - Part 18 is pictures from my work place in Fredericton, York Manor Nursing Home. One of the favourite games was crokinole, though we weren't using the nice board that day. Greek night was Greek food and togas, scrounged from whatever fabric you could find in the house. (Don't I look good with blue hair, wrapped in a sheer curtain!) Then there's some shaving going down, followed by orange night, where food and clothes were orange.
Katimavik - Part 19 starts with a trio of nuts going jogging in winter, then a great spaced out shot. Then the long process of dying hair began, with two of us bleaching then dying all or part of our heads blue, and one going darker. Don't ask about the pillow, you don't want to know.
Katimavik - Part 20 is our overnight excursion to Moncton, NB. The first bunch of snaps comes from the Crystal Palace, an indoor amusement park. The museum type pictures are from the Acadian Museum in the University of Moncton. We then headed out to Hopewell Rocks and had a ton of fun exploring and running around in the tide flats and caves. We then went to a biodiverse, organic farm and learned about self-sustaining, organic farming, and got to chill with the cool animals. The last shot is of my great-great-aunt Pearl and I, taken at her house in Fredericton.
Katimavik - Part 21 begins with a Valentines Day party at York Manor, then moves into beard and hair cutting, which is part of Katimavik's unofficial sport, body modification. With a beautiful segway, I'll keep with the theme and move into body modification of a different sort, restarting a heart. Then with yet another body segway, we finish with a beautiful picture display lots of body. Who knows I might publish the photo-edited version the next time I'm putting up pictures.
Wow, I Have Been Slacking!
So I have kind of let picture descriptions get behind the times and so I thought that I would try to bring them up to speed.
Katimavik - Part 9 is entirely made up of shots taken on New Years morning. Unfortunately, I misplaced my camera and din't find it until New Years morning after we went polar dipping in the ocean.
Katimavik - Part 10 is the arrival of our two new (at the time) participants. They would be the ones who were not in any prior shots. We all sat around in the living room of the Fredericton house and chatted for most of the night.
Katimavik - Part 11 involves the exploits of yours truly at the World's Largest Potato and its little brother. This is then followed by a trip to Science East in downtown Fredericton, where as you can see I spent a good ten minutes to write my name in a bunch of iron filings. We then headed to the basement where the museum was located, which detailed the history of the building as Fredericton's oldest jail. Don't I look pretty as a sunflower!
Katimavik - Part 12 is a bunch of shots of us chilling in the house prior to going out to celebrate a birthday. Some of us got turned away from Dooley's as it becomes an establishment and no longer a pool hall in the evening. There are then a bunch of pictures of us starting the voting process, which took a long time as we were all out of our local ridings. Then we went sledding at Mactaquac Provincial Park with its awesome sledding hills, though I don't have any pictures of the actual sledding.
KAtimavik - Part 13. Ahhhhh, yes. This albulm is the end result when you give a housefull of young adults a box of 72 condoms and already have a no sex rule in place. 2:00 am brings the mayhem of CONDOM BALLOONS!!!! It was the night before billeting and all through the house everybody was sleeping, except for the three of us, and so a whole bunch of condoms got blown up and tossed into people's beds with them.
Katimavik - Part 14 begins with the first of two basketball tournaments that I attended with my billet family in Fredericton, NB. The team took second place after a fairy tale finish in the semi-final. Then follows pictures taken in the Underground Café, located on Charlotte street in Fredericton. This is what happens when you give a big kid a digital toy that takes pictures and he has too much time on his hands.
Katimavik - Part 15 is the second of two basketball tournaments, this time in Sussex, NB, where the team took second place in a close, but badly officiated contest. This is then followed by pictures of the fire spinning workshop held at the Underground Café, then my billet family took me out to dinner at the Lunar Rogue resteraunt, and then two of us went skating and took a bunch of pictures while waiting to be picked up.
Parts 16 through 21 will follow at a later date as the computer lab is getting busy.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik - Part 9 is entirely made up of shots taken on New Years morning. Unfortunately, I misplaced my camera and din't find it until New Years morning after we went polar dipping in the ocean.
Katimavik - Part 10 is the arrival of our two new (at the time) participants. They would be the ones who were not in any prior shots. We all sat around in the living room of the Fredericton house and chatted for most of the night.
Katimavik - Part 11 involves the exploits of yours truly at the World's Largest Potato and its little brother. This is then followed by a trip to Science East in downtown Fredericton, where as you can see I spent a good ten minutes to write my name in a bunch of iron filings. We then headed to the basement where the museum was located, which detailed the history of the building as Fredericton's oldest jail. Don't I look pretty as a sunflower!
Katimavik - Part 12 is a bunch of shots of us chilling in the house prior to going out to celebrate a birthday. Some of us got turned away from Dooley's as it becomes an establishment and no longer a pool hall in the evening. There are then a bunch of pictures of us starting the voting process, which took a long time as we were all out of our local ridings. Then we went sledding at Mactaquac Provincial Park with its awesome sledding hills, though I don't have any pictures of the actual sledding.
KAtimavik - Part 13. Ahhhhh, yes. This albulm is the end result when you give a housefull of young adults a box of 72 condoms and already have a no sex rule in place. 2:00 am brings the mayhem of CONDOM BALLOONS!!!! It was the night before billeting and all through the house everybody was sleeping, except for the three of us, and so a whole bunch of condoms got blown up and tossed into people's beds with them.
Katimavik - Part 14 begins with the first of two basketball tournaments that I attended with my billet family in Fredericton, NB. The team took second place after a fairy tale finish in the semi-final. Then follows pictures taken in the Underground Café, located on Charlotte street in Fredericton. This is what happens when you give a big kid a digital toy that takes pictures and he has too much time on his hands.
Katimavik - Part 15 is the second of two basketball tournaments, this time in Sussex, NB, where the team took second place in a close, but badly officiated contest. This is then followed by pictures of the fire spinning workshop held at the Underground Café, then my billet family took me out to dinner at the Lunar Rogue resteraunt, and then two of us went skating and took a bunch of pictures while waiting to be picked up.
Parts 16 through 21 will follow at a later date as the computer lab is getting busy.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Mr.E Doesn't Need Titles, Fool!
Well, I couldn't think of a title but I do have things to say so I needed some way to post.
Megs, sorry I haven't been able to respond to anything but I was house manager last week and had squat in the way of computer access. Since I have reshaved the Mohawk and have been told numerous times that I look like a white version of Mr.T, I felt that this quote is appropriate.
"Mr. T cannot be pitied. Mr. T is most often envied, admired or feared. Once, Mr. T was even ignored. That fool has since been nothing but pitied."
Also, I know that there have not been a lot of pictures posted on the site in the last while, though that will hopefully change soon. We are supposed to get a router for the house in the next little while and get the internet working on our computer. The temperature here is becoming much warmer which allows me to take pictures as my Monster batteries for my camera did not enjoy the weather below minus 15 Celsius.
The transition to St.Norbert was difficult and tension in the house has been growing, though there have been some breakthroughs in communication, it is still a big change to get used to.
I am starting to get really busy at school (my work placement is St.Norbert Immersion school, which is K to 8), including notable projects as assisting in the direction of Charlie et L'Usine du Chocolat put on by the grade 8 class. Pretty much all weekends are booked solid for this rotation and with French classes twice a week added in this is turning into an action packed trimester.
I love to get phone calls and mail, so I'll give out contact info again.
(204) 282-7186
193 Le Maire
St. Norbert, MB
R3V 1M2
No guarantee on when the next newsletter edition will come out, but I have a big email that needs to go to the mayor of Winnipeg first so I'll work on it when I can.
Mr.E pities the fool.
Main Man, Out.
Megs, sorry I haven't been able to respond to anything but I was house manager last week and had squat in the way of computer access. Since I have reshaved the Mohawk and have been told numerous times that I look like a white version of Mr.T, I felt that this quote is appropriate.
"Mr. T cannot be pitied. Mr. T is most often envied, admired or feared. Once, Mr. T was even ignored. That fool has since been nothing but pitied."
Also, I know that there have not been a lot of pictures posted on the site in the last while, though that will hopefully change soon. We are supposed to get a router for the house in the next little while and get the internet working on our computer. The temperature here is becoming much warmer which allows me to take pictures as my Monster batteries for my camera did not enjoy the weather below minus 15 Celsius.
The transition to St.Norbert was difficult and tension in the house has been growing, though there have been some breakthroughs in communication, it is still a big change to get used to.
I am starting to get really busy at school (my work placement is St.Norbert Immersion school, which is K to 8), including notable projects as assisting in the direction of Charlie et L'Usine du Chocolat put on by the grade 8 class. Pretty much all weekends are booked solid for this rotation and with French classes twice a week added in this is turning into an action packed trimester.
I love to get phone calls and mail, so I'll give out contact info again.
(204) 282-7186
193 Le Maire
St. Norbert, MB
R3V 1M2
No guarantee on when the next newsletter edition will come out, but I have a big email that needs to go to the mayor of Winnipeg first so I'll work on it when I can.
Mr.E pities the fool.
Main Man, Out.
Friday, March 03, 2006
Finally Everything Works!
So it seems that I've been able to finally get the site to cooperate and now everything seems to be in order. If you notice something I've missed please let me know either in an e-mail or a comment. Thanks.
Main Man, Out.
So it seems that I've been able to finally get the site to cooperate and now everything seems to be in order. If you notice something I've missed please let me know either in an e-mail or a comment. Thanks.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, February 27, 2006
Wow, Where Did I Go?!?
Sorry that I dropped off the face of the earth for a bit but our internet at the house is pitiful, so as to be almost non-existant. I am working at St. Norbert Immersion School so I will be working in French with some English. I have a super awesome schedule for each day, though it is fairly busy. I will probably be on the internet at random times if I am not in a class and get time off instead.
We went cross-country skiing yesterday which was totally awesome, and have been much more laid back and relaxed since getting here. Chaque jour mon francais améliore et je peux comprendre plusieur mots.
I will be able to check my email now so that remains a viable form of communication though MSN won't be possible for a while. Phone calls are awesome, just remember that I am now an hour ahead of Ontario time, so any time after 4:00 pm Ontario time works for me.
We have french classes now in the house, on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 7 and 9 pm, so calling during those periods will get you an answering machine.
So, I think I should probably give out the phone number if I want anyone to call, so the participant's line is 1(204) 282-7186. Please don't call my cell unless you are in Winnipeg. The address is 193 Le Maire, St. Norbert, MB, R3V 1M2.
Well that's all for now, I'll post pictures once I can get the internet at the house to work reliably.
That's all for now.
Main Man, sortie.
Sorry that I dropped off the face of the earth for a bit but our internet at the house is pitiful, so as to be almost non-existant. I am working at St. Norbert Immersion School so I will be working in French with some English. I have a super awesome schedule for each day, though it is fairly busy. I will probably be on the internet at random times if I am not in a class and get time off instead.
We went cross-country skiing yesterday which was totally awesome, and have been much more laid back and relaxed since getting here. Chaque jour mon francais améliore et je peux comprendre plusieur mots.
I will be able to check my email now so that remains a viable form of communication though MSN won't be possible for a while. Phone calls are awesome, just remember that I am now an hour ahead of Ontario time, so any time after 4:00 pm Ontario time works for me.
We have french classes now in the house, on Tuesdays and Fridays, between 7 and 9 pm, so calling during those periods will get you an answering machine.
So, I think I should probably give out the phone number if I want anyone to call, so the participant's line is 1(204) 282-7186. Please don't call my cell unless you are in Winnipeg. The address is 193 Le Maire, St. Norbert, MB, R3V 1M2.
Well that's all for now, I'll post pictures once I can get the internet at the house to work reliably.
That's all for now.
Main Man, sortie.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Well, I'm now in St. Norbert, Manitoba, which is a suburb of Winnipeg. Our house is even smaller and things were not nice the first day when the group had gone close to 40 hours without sleep. After getting workplace tours, doing job "interviews", and figuring out how we wanted to make the house better, things are now looking up. We have already met the group from Stonewall and will most likely meet the Winnipeg group tomorrow. We have had some internet difficulties so, if I don't respond to emails for a bit that's why. The phone number here is 1(204)282-7186, so give me a ring, just keep in mind that we're an hour ahead of Ontario. That's all for now.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Hey, Just Checking In
Hey Everybody, just got back from our excursion to Moncton and thought that it might be a good idea to make sure I let everybody know that I am not at billeting anymore, so calling there will not reach me. I am only at the house for another week so I will post new contact info when I know what it is. Pictures will be updated soon.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Hey, I'm still alive!
Sorry that it has been so long since the last post, but it has been an extremely busy few weeks leading to rotation. More paperwork now than at any other time, and tons of things to do to get ready. So I will see what I can get on when I have time but I do expect to post more.
The last set of pictures was of our trip to Saint John, and the 2 other groups staying in the Katimavik house that night. I have dyed my hair blue and so there will be pictures posted soon.
Keep in mind that anyone not on the email newsletter list should email me at mr.eddie.main@gmail.com with the subject "Newsletter" so that you will get it. The next part of volume one will hopefully be out tonight.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out
The last set of pictures was of our trip to Saint John, and the 2 other groups staying in the Katimavik house that night. I have dyed my hair blue and so there will be pictures posted soon.
Keep in mind that anyone not on the email newsletter list should email me at mr.eddie.main@gmail.com with the subject "Newsletter" so that you will get it. The next part of volume one will hopefully be out tonight.
That's all for now.
Main Man, Out
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Contact Info For Billeting
Okay so I'm billeting for another week, until Friday, February 3rd. So if you want to get in touch you can call me at(905) 808-7449 and leave a message since I don't answer my cell (costs too much) or at (506) ***-*** between 5:30 and 7:00 EST on weekdays. Leave a message if I'm not around as it will actually make it to me.
Pictures will come tomorrow, newsletter by the end of next week.
Main Man, Out.
Pictures will come tomorrow, newsletter by the end of next week.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Last Chance at Newsletter Sign-Up!
I am leaving to begin billeting tomorrow evening, and will begin working on the newsletter in hopes to send it out around the end of the two weeks. So, anyone who wants to get on to the list needs to email me at mr.eddie.main@gmail.com, not any of the other addresses that anyone has.
I will be posting billeting contact info and pictures soon.
Main Man, Out.
I will be posting billeting contact info and pictures soon.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, January 16, 2006
E-mail Newsletter - URGENT
So, here's the deal. Billeting is coming up and that means that I get a lot more time to myself. I hope to create a email newsletter that will go in depth into what I have been up to. So, this is how it will work... Anybody who sends an email with the subject "Email Newsletter" will be added to my contact list and will get a copy when it gets sent. Emails should be sent to mr.eddie.main@gmail.com, not any of my other addresses. Look forward to the emails.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Picture Descriptions
Alright, the computer is working again so here are some descriptions for the recent sets of pictures.
Katimavik pictures - part 7, was a volunteer event at the Fredericton Regional Family Resouce Centre, helping to amuse the children at the annual Christmas party. It was lots of fun and the kids were all super cool. After that is a bunch of shots of night lights in the city.
Part 8 includes a number of shots of my workplace, York Manor Nursing Home, and the cat from the Atrium, Sandy. All the work shots are followed by Christmas Morning pictures of the yankee swap, followed by the amazing shaving that I did of a basketball into one of the other guy's head. The rest of the pictures are of the table with the Christmas feast laid out upon it, thought the turkey was in the oven when the pictures were taken.
The rest of the details will follow as there is a line-up for the computer.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik pictures - part 7, was a volunteer event at the Fredericton Regional Family Resouce Centre, helping to amuse the children at the annual Christmas party. It was lots of fun and the kids were all super cool. After that is a bunch of shots of night lights in the city.
Part 8 includes a number of shots of my workplace, York Manor Nursing Home, and the cat from the Atrium, Sandy. All the work shots are followed by Christmas Morning pictures of the yankee swap, followed by the amazing shaving that I did of a basketball into one of the other guy's head. The rest of the pictures are of the table with the Christmas feast laid out upon it, thought the turkey was in the oven when the pictures were taken.
The rest of the details will follow as there is a line-up for the computer.
Main Man, Out.
Delayed Description on Pictures
Hate to say this but unfortunately the descriptions for the last sets of pictures may be a while in coming. We managed to overload the main line breaker in the house and lost all power while the computer was running, and got the dreaded BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH. Since we are relying on a couple of laptops for all of our computer time, it may be a while before I get to post descriptions. There may be more pictures added as pictures can be uploaded over dinner and such. If you want to get in touch with me, you can email since I can check that on my break at work, or call the house at (506) 454-8572.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Katimaviktim List
On the side you may or may not have noticed a new link (I love adding links, can you tell?). It links to a page that has a list of 208 things (give or take, since some numbers are missing), that can happen/have happened in Katimavik. Not all of these things apply to our group, but a number of them hit the nail on the head so to speak. Check it out and post your thoughts.
Main Man, Out
Main Man, Out
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