Thursday, April 20, 2006

Important Things

Okay, got a few things that I need to mention.

First, this blog will suffer somewhat in the picture department in the future. Unfortunately, we have lost the use of our router as it caused more trouble than it was worth, and was therefore removed by higher powers. Short of obtaining a Linksys router (Main Man does not endorse D-link products whatsoever) we will have extremely limited access in the house. I cannot post pictures at school due to the set up of the lab, and the fact that I need a power source.

Second, there has been a great interest in my family brownie recipe. I will make a select few copies available in a limited edition e-mail series. THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Please send an e-mail to Ed's Email, with Brownies as the subject if you would like a copy.

Third, for those of you who will be in Oakville on the 28, 29, 30 of April, and wish to see me here is my schedule. Friday night is going to be spent with my family as I get in around 12pm. Saturday morning and afternoon I will be sleeping and cleaning the car. Saturday evening is my hanging out with friends time (and early Sunday morning :) ). Sunday morning involves an appearance at church, which should draw record crowds. Sunday afternoon will be packing up and saying goodbyes and then I'll be leavin', on a jet plane...(breaks into song...)

Fourth, I found this really cool website that I saw on the back window of a VW Golf TDI. Check it out Grease Car and let me know what you think, I may just tell you what my crazy idea is...

Main Man, Out.


Anonymous said...

Hey! That was a SECRET family recipe!

Oh, I've given to about a hundred people already ... maybe not so secret.

Are you bringing your drive home to upload pictures here?

They missed you at the church rummage sale set-up tonight - took us until 9:30 to lug everything out of the heap in the corner and out to the right spots.

Love ya.


themainman said...

That's okay Mom, people show intrest up until the point where there's an e-mail involved at which point the intrest has dropped. I figure that the recipe is soooo good that giving it away free is an awsome deal. No responses yet other than yours.

I figure I will bring the drive home and offload a copy of the pictures, but I'll keep a copy to for showing to people.

I'm looking forward to coming home, seeing everybody and whupping Dad at some Battlefront 2!

Lots of love,