I took a quiz that my Mom sent to me that figures out which Star Trek character you have the most in common with. Here's how I did...
You are Geordi LaForge
You work well with others and often fix problems quickly. Your romantic relationships are often bungled. | Geordi LaForge |
| 80% |
Jean-Luc Picard |
| 75% |
Worf |
| 75% |
James T. Kirk (Captain) |
| 60% |
Uhura |
| 55% |
Will Riker |
| 55% |
Data |
| 51% |
Chekov |
| 50% |
Mr. Scott |
| 45% |
Deanna Troi |
| 40% |
Spock |
| 35% |
Leonard McCoy (Bones) |
| 35% |
An Expendable Character (Redshirt) |
| 25% |
Mr. Sulu |
| 20% |
Beverly Crusher |
| 20% |
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...Try it yourself and post the results as a comment.
(P.S. I replied to your comment Mom, the one posted to billeting contact post.)
Main Man, Out.
1 comment:
Here I am. It looks like a tie between Picard and ...well... a nobody!
Your results:
You are Jean-Luc Picard
A lover of Shakespeare and other fine literature. You have a decisive mind and a firm hand in dealing with others.
I was 70% Picard and 70% Expendable Character (Red Shirt). Whoever that is.
Thanks for keeping in touch, Eddie... the days fly by.
Signing out,
"Make it so"
Kathi Shotwell
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