Okay, I know that this might give some people heart failure, but a mere one day later I am posting picture descriptions.
Katimavik - Part 30 involves a bit of description. For my billeting stay this rotation I stayed with a family whose property backs onto the Red River. The Red River is the same one that flooded badly in 1997, making headlines across Canada. So, seeing as I was billeting during the first surge I decide to take some pictures. The edge of the property extends approximately another 10 feet past the furthest tree in the water. The entire bottom plateau disappeared one morning after the ice broke up. I went back a few days ago and the situation hasn't changed all that much save for the bank being reinforced with sandbags left over from impromptu dikes. Then we get into the fun stuff. My billet dad owned a 1979 Triumph Spitfire that he has been restoring. One Sunday he went to his friend's house where the car is stored to work on it and left me with the instructions to call for a ride when I woke up. Needless to say that that is me riding in the sidecar. The bike is a Harley Davidson Shriner Edition, and the sidecar is pretty awesome. The ride is very smooth, which is not what I was expecting. After a few routine maintenance items and a wash and wax, the car was ready. My billet dad took it home and I drove the truck home. We then went out driving, to enjoy the nice spring day. I was introduced to the neighbour down the street (as his garage door was open and he was working on the Lamborghini Jalpa), which is where the picture of the Lamborghini badge comes from, and the V-12 BMW. Then there are pictures from the St. Norbert bridges over the LaSalle River, taken at night.
Katimavik - Part 31 opens with a great shot of my billet family (with the neighbour's son), followed by my room in the basement where I stayed over billeting. After returning from billeting it was time to renew my subscription with the HAWK! This time we actually shaved the sides down with a razor and then dyed the hawk blue. I must say that I look very emo with it combed over one side. We visited the Manitoba Museum, which was really neat because they had a lot of life-sized displays which really made things easy to understand. My parents sent me a bunch of candy for Easter so this is how we discovered that a Lifesaver Mint fits well on the end of a tongue barbell. This is followed by the Whirl-o-Puke, a game played by walking around a person seated on a blanket and then pulling out, so as to spin the person around. (Nobody actually puked)
Katimavik - Part 32 starts with a motif that is found in the galleries, a random closeup of my tongue. Then there's a six picture mini-series on why people say the Prairies are flat... and it's because, well... they're really flat. I unfortunately missed the big sign saying Oakville, MB, but managed to get my camera out in time for the one after. We then spent lunch in Minnedosa, MB, where two of us got to see friends from home. After a prolonged trip into Riding Mountain National Park (we missed our turn), we returned to the Erickson house and spent the evening hanging out with the Erickson, Minnedosa, and Neepawa groups. The album finishes with a few shots of the LaSalle River in the daytime, so that you can actually see the water levels.
Katimavik - Part 33 contains more of Katimavik's official sport, including some lovely hand drawn stormtroopers by yours truly. A couple of pictures from hanging out in my room follow. Then there's a bunch of shots taken during the Earth Day Activities at SNAC, where we volunteered as part of Global Youth Service Day. The last picture is at the Retirement Apartments, where our PL's grandmother lives. We were there presenting a play that we wrote, and serving snacks as the second half of our Global Youth Service Day commitment.
The title to this post was due to the fact that these descriptions would have been the closest to the time of the picture posting, except Blogger goofed on me.
Also pictures for the next while might be in shorter supply as I partly dropped my camera in a hot tub on my time off, and killed the LCD screen. While it's in for repairs, I've borrowed my buddy's camera, which means that I will only take it places I know it won't get damaged.
Main Man, Out.
An archive of the Adventures of E. Main as he ventured across Canada participating in the Katimavik program.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Party Saturday Night
Okay, here's the deal. Saturday night's plan for this weekend includes a BBQ and some baseball at Bryan's. Bryan sent out an email saying something like this, "Eddie is back in town for the weekend... i.e. my place sat night (pretty sure my place, gotta get that double checked). It involves 5 bucks for food, a baseball glove and baseball bat if you've got one...
You MUST either email Bryan or call Bryan BY Thursday night, or you're not allowed... haha no.. seriously no jokes....
This is NOT BYOB, it is not Booze is provided, it IS an alcohol-free event!"
The moral of this story, (because every story I post has to have a moral) is that those who don't RSVP Bryan, don't eat and don't get to spend as much time with me (stuff will be moving around as the night gets really late...).
So, no excuses here, as you can get in touch with me at Ed's Email, or email Bryan directly at Bryan's Email.
Last reminder, RSVP IF YOU ARE COMING! Bryan needs numbers or his mom might just throw people out!
P.S. Start time is 7:15 and directions can be provided upon RSVPing.
Main Man, Out.
You MUST either email Bryan or call Bryan BY Thursday night, or you're not allowed... haha no.. seriously no jokes....
This is NOT BYOB, it is not Booze is provided, it IS an alcohol-free event!"
The moral of this story, (because every story I post has to have a moral) is that those who don't RSVP Bryan, don't eat and don't get to spend as much time with me (stuff will be moving around as the night gets really late...).
So, no excuses here, as you can get in touch with me at Ed's Email, or email Bryan directly at Bryan's Email.
Last reminder, RSVP IF YOU ARE COMING! Bryan needs numbers or his mom might just throw people out!
P.S. Start time is 7:15 and directions can be provided upon RSVPing.
Main Man, Out.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Picture Descriptions
Wow, I'm behind the times in picture descriptions, so lets see if I can't change that somewhat.
Katimavik - Part 22 includes the cleanest you'll every see the Fredericton house, that is just before we left, and the monster pile of luggage in the living room. These are followed by lots of pictures from rotation camp, which is a two day period where you talk about the last 3 months with the other groups in your cluster, and get no sleep. A couple of very accurate pictures from the Moncton airport at about 3:00 am (Hour 19 sans sleep), and a few from Pearson Airport, (Hour 23 sans sleep) a couple of shots on the plane, then coming into Winnipeg. First impressions include "wow, it's flat" and "that's pretty white (with snow)". Chilling on the coach bus (all ten of us to an entire bus) at about Hour 28. Pictures of the house will be forthcoming as it was too cold for my camera to work when we got here. A bunch of random shots from our first week in Winnipeg, which includes stopping and visiting our Project Leader's grandmother in St. Boniface. We tried cross-country skiing with, as depicted, mixed results. You can call me Master Jump, or the Grandfather of Air, or other such endearments.
Katimavik - Part 23 starts with three pictures from the Skate-a-thon that the school did (I supervised... Great job for me, eh?), then a bunch of pictures from our first community activity, which was to wrap wire around the base of the tree to keep the beavers from enjoying it. Then we went to a screening of The Rocket, at the Winnipeg Film Festival, and we proved that although you can dress us up, you can't take us out. A few pictures of my week as house manager follow, digital cameras are fun when you're bored. Then our second big community volunteer project, which was selling bingo tickets at a casino, to support the Trans Canada Trail. They had a hallway which was a big fish tank in an arc over your head.
Katimavik - Part 24 is just hanging around, up to no good. Then we took a trip to a Oak Hammock Marsh to do some snowshoeing with the Stonewall group. After locking the keys in the van we had an impromptu trip to the Stonewall group house, where we stayed until very late (read some people 12:30, scheduled return was 5:30). This is all followed by more hanging out pictures (in case you haven't guessed this is my room).
Katimavik - Part 25. Katimavik's official sport...Body modifying!!! Drawing, piercing, tattooing, etc, etc. St. Patrick's Day at the St. Norbert Arts Centre, and yes, I am drinking Guinness. The Minnedosa group came to visit on the Saturday and stayed the night.
Katimavik - Part 26 is entirely pictures of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks that stayed at the St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC). They created a sand mandala, which is in essence a 2D representational prayer of a 3D celestial palace, each one being specific to an individual deity. It is very painstaking work, and when it is completed it is destroyed, symbolizing the impermanence of things in life.
Katimavik - Part 27 includes a number of shots from an art showing at SNAC during the spring solstice. One of the monks came down for a bit and jammed. There was a lot of just hanging around talking to some really cool people. It's all followed up by some more hanging around when we got back to the house. The last shot is of two very fringe element dudes, code named Hawk and Dreads. When there around the party will be rocking, so long as they don't get crossed!
Katimavik - Part 28 is a celebration of a birthday, and what better way to start then with a picture of the birthday girl! A bunch of random shots ensue, culminating with the round of shots that all but two of us did (I, being the camera man, was one of the two). Two quick shots of a conflict mediation workshop, then a picture of one of my roommates, Dreads, not entirely enjoying his dreams. Chillin'. Then onto Mardi Jazz, a French activity involving small amounts of French, good music, and no, there is no one in any picture that I'm aware of that is stoned. Finally, an Amish version of ZZ Top to finish off the night.
Katimavik - Part 29... The World of Wheels and Piston Ring Auto Parts presents Winnipeg's Auto Show. My billet dad took me to this, with one of his buddies and his buddy's kid. It was pretty awesome, with a definite focus on aftermarket customization and restoration. If there is any specific car that you want more info on, pop me an email and I'll see what I can do. Some of them had some pretty neat stuff done.
More pictures might just get on tonight, or I may not. The matching descriptions will definitely not.
Main Man, Out.
Katimavik - Part 22 includes the cleanest you'll every see the Fredericton house, that is just before we left, and the monster pile of luggage in the living room. These are followed by lots of pictures from rotation camp, which is a two day period where you talk about the last 3 months with the other groups in your cluster, and get no sleep. A couple of very accurate pictures from the Moncton airport at about 3:00 am (Hour 19 sans sleep), and a few from Pearson Airport, (Hour 23 sans sleep) a couple of shots on the plane, then coming into Winnipeg. First impressions include "wow, it's flat" and "that's pretty white (with snow)". Chilling on the coach bus (all ten of us to an entire bus) at about Hour 28. Pictures of the house will be forthcoming as it was too cold for my camera to work when we got here. A bunch of random shots from our first week in Winnipeg, which includes stopping and visiting our Project Leader's grandmother in St. Boniface. We tried cross-country skiing with, as depicted, mixed results. You can call me Master Jump, or the Grandfather of Air, or other such endearments.
Katimavik - Part 23 starts with three pictures from the Skate-a-thon that the school did (I supervised... Great job for me, eh?), then a bunch of pictures from our first community activity, which was to wrap wire around the base of the tree to keep the beavers from enjoying it. Then we went to a screening of The Rocket, at the Winnipeg Film Festival, and we proved that although you can dress us up, you can't take us out. A few pictures of my week as house manager follow, digital cameras are fun when you're bored. Then our second big community volunteer project, which was selling bingo tickets at a casino, to support the Trans Canada Trail. They had a hallway which was a big fish tank in an arc over your head.
Katimavik - Part 24 is just hanging around, up to no good. Then we took a trip to a Oak Hammock Marsh to do some snowshoeing with the Stonewall group. After locking the keys in the van we had an impromptu trip to the Stonewall group house, where we stayed until very late (read some people 12:30, scheduled return was 5:30). This is all followed by more hanging out pictures (in case you haven't guessed this is my room).
Katimavik - Part 25. Katimavik's official sport...Body modifying!!! Drawing, piercing, tattooing, etc, etc. St. Patrick's Day at the St. Norbert Arts Centre, and yes, I am drinking Guinness. The Minnedosa group came to visit on the Saturday and stayed the night.
Katimavik - Part 26 is entirely pictures of the Tibetan Buddhist Monks that stayed at the St. Norbert Arts Centre (SNAC). They created a sand mandala, which is in essence a 2D representational prayer of a 3D celestial palace, each one being specific to an individual deity. It is very painstaking work, and when it is completed it is destroyed, symbolizing the impermanence of things in life.
Katimavik - Part 27 includes a number of shots from an art showing at SNAC during the spring solstice. One of the monks came down for a bit and jammed. There was a lot of just hanging around talking to some really cool people. It's all followed up by some more hanging around when we got back to the house. The last shot is of two very fringe element dudes, code named Hawk and Dreads. When there around the party will be rocking, so long as they don't get crossed!
Katimavik - Part 28 is a celebration of a birthday, and what better way to start then with a picture of the birthday girl! A bunch of random shots ensue, culminating with the round of shots that all but two of us did (I, being the camera man, was one of the two). Two quick shots of a conflict mediation workshop, then a picture of one of my roommates, Dreads, not entirely enjoying his dreams. Chillin'. Then onto Mardi Jazz, a French activity involving small amounts of French, good music, and no, there is no one in any picture that I'm aware of that is stoned. Finally, an Amish version of ZZ Top to finish off the night.
Katimavik - Part 29... The World of Wheels and Piston Ring Auto Parts presents Winnipeg's Auto Show. My billet dad took me to this, with one of his buddies and his buddy's kid. It was pretty awesome, with a definite focus on aftermarket customization and restoration. If there is any specific car that you want more info on, pop me an email and I'll see what I can do. Some of them had some pretty neat stuff done.
More pictures might just get on tonight, or I may not. The matching descriptions will definitely not.
Main Man, Out.
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Important Things
Okay, got a few things that I need to mention.
First, this blog will suffer somewhat in the picture department in the future. Unfortunately, we have lost the use of our router as it caused more trouble than it was worth, and was therefore removed by higher powers. Short of obtaining a Linksys router (Main Man does not endorse D-link products whatsoever) we will have extremely limited access in the house. I cannot post pictures at school due to the set up of the lab, and the fact that I need a power source.
Second, there has been a great interest in my family brownie recipe. I will make a select few copies available in a limited edition e-mail series. THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Please send an e-mail to Ed's Email, with Brownies as the subject if you would like a copy.
Third, for those of you who will be in Oakville on the 28, 29, 30 of April, and wish to see me here is my schedule. Friday night is going to be spent with my family as I get in around 12pm. Saturday morning and afternoon I will be sleeping and cleaning the car. Saturday evening is my hanging out with friends time (and early Sunday morning :) ). Sunday morning involves an appearance at church, which should draw record crowds. Sunday afternoon will be packing up and saying goodbyes and then I'll be leavin', on a jet plane...(breaks into song...)
Fourth, I found this really cool website that I saw on the back window of a VW Golf TDI. Check it out Grease Car and let me know what you think, I may just tell you what my crazy idea is...
Main Man, Out.
First, this blog will suffer somewhat in the picture department in the future. Unfortunately, we have lost the use of our router as it caused more trouble than it was worth, and was therefore removed by higher powers. Short of obtaining a Linksys router (Main Man does not endorse D-link products whatsoever) we will have extremely limited access in the house. I cannot post pictures at school due to the set up of the lab, and the fact that I need a power source.
Second, there has been a great interest in my family brownie recipe. I will make a select few copies available in a limited edition e-mail series. THIS IS A FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE BASIS. Please send an e-mail to Ed's Email, with Brownies as the subject if you would like a copy.
Third, for those of you who will be in Oakville on the 28, 29, 30 of April, and wish to see me here is my schedule. Friday night is going to be spent with my family as I get in around 12pm. Saturday morning and afternoon I will be sleeping and cleaning the car. Saturday evening is my hanging out with friends time (and early Sunday morning :) ). Sunday morning involves an appearance at church, which should draw record crowds. Sunday afternoon will be packing up and saying goodbyes and then I'll be leavin', on a jet plane...(breaks into song...)
Fourth, I found this really cool website that I saw on the back window of a VW Golf TDI. Check it out Grease Car and let me know what you think, I may just tell you what my crazy idea is...
Main Man, Out.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Coming Home!!!!
No, I haven't been kicked out or anything, just wanted to make it known that I am coming home on April the 28, 29, and 30 to visit on my time off. I get home late Friday night, and will be leaving again Sunday afternoon. If you want to know what my specific plans are for any time in the weekend send me an email and I will get back to you. I hope to see as many people as possible in the weekend and will try my best to get the opportunity to.
Ed's Email
Main Man, Out.
Ed's Email
Main Man, Out.
Billeting Update!!!
Well, I realized that not only has it been a while since I checked my Blog, it's been a long time since I've posted. Mainly, it's because I've been billeting and the weather has finally begun to warm up, so I've been outside or doing cool, billeting things. These include such things are riding in a 1979 Triumph Spitfire, checking out the neighbour's Lamborghini and V-12 BMW, going to autoshows, and hanging with the nextdoor neighbour. So, I haven't spent a lot of time on the net recently, and I know that some people may be wondering whether I'm still alive. The answer is "Yes, I am still alive, and will do my best to get the site back up to speed." Right now, though, I'm going to bed.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
Monday, April 03, 2006
My Star Trek Character!
I took a quiz that my Mom sent to me that figures out which Star Trek character you have the most in common with. Here's how I did...
You are Geordi LaForge

You work well with others and often
fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.
Geordi LaForge
Jean-Luc Picard
James T. Kirk (Captain)
Will Riker
Mr. Scott
Deanna Troi
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Mr. Sulu
Beverly Crusher
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...
Try it yourself and post the results as a comment.
(P.S. I replied to your comment Mom, the one posted to billeting contact post.)
Main Man, Out.
You are Geordi LaForge

fix problems quickly. Your romantic
relationships are often bungled.
Click here to take the "Which Star Trek character am I?" quiz...
Try it yourself and post the results as a comment.
(P.S. I replied to your comment Mom, the one posted to billeting contact post.)
Main Man, Out.
Billeting Contacts!
Hey, so here's the deal. I'm billeting in the community for the next two weeks so if you need to get in touch, you can call me at (204)-235-0657. E-mail is always an option as I can check it both at home and at work, so mr.eddie.main@gmail.com. If anybody wants to mail me anything give me a call or an e-mail, and I can get you a mailing address. Picture descriptions have an ETA of sometime in the next two weeks and I may just begin composing another e-mail newsletter, so this gives people another opportunity to sign up. (Those already subscribed, do not have to do so again). Alright, this is all for now.
Main Man, Out.
Main Man, Out.
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