Tuesday, May 30, 2006


I've uploaded a number of pictures to the site. I have two more albums, but I have hit my monthly upload limit so I'll try again in a few days. I will hopefully be able to get more videos up soon, as well.

Main Man, Out.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Just wanted to post and let people know what is going on with the site right now. There have been some issues with the computer and our login not allowing us to install new devices (i.e. my camera, and hard drive). These have been resolved and I will try to bring the site up to speed as soon as possible.

I am working at Sandbanks Provincial Park this rotation, our house is bigger than either of the other two, the town is super friendly and the Oilers are going to the Cup finals. Therefore, life with me is good.

Main Man, Out.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Picture Descriptions for 36

Katimavik - Part 36 begin with our costumes that we bought at the Salvation Army Thrift Store for our final presentation. They were chosen on the basis of wacky and cheap (Wednesday Happy Hour is half off), and a budget of about $7 per costume. Some people bought shoes themselves, but everything else is in the budget. I must say that a beige cord suit is not to bad on me. The suit became my playoff suit, which I wore for every game of the Oilers vs. Sharks series that the Oilers won. We spent a lot of time hanging out at Niakwa Pizza and watching the games. Then we had an excursion to Gimli and Lake Winnipeg, where I got a stunning shot of two cool dudes and an awesome lake. There was this cool spitting frog fountain and of course, we had to do the fake peeing shot. Followed shortly thereafter with the real deal. I loved the blue in one of the paintings we saw hence the photo. We then went and checked out a Viking Statue to commemorate the founding of the town, and yes, because it was big I tried to climb it. We then toured a museum of the Icelandic history and took lots of crazy pictures of each other while waiting for our Project Leader to finish. We ended in Gimli by going to the beach and our PL gave us all finger puppets indicative of the animal we most resembled. I got a lion for my crazy mane. Then we did a group shot before we headed off to Narcisse to see the snake dens. Once we had toured the snake dens, which were near the end of their season, we had dinner and played a French version of twenty questions. When we got home, some of us went out to SNAC for a fire. The pictures with the big flames are the combustion of a Christmas Tree and three waxed cardboard boxes. And yes, some of those flames reached 12-14 feet high. I learned why a Christmas tree is such a fire hazard after watching that one burn.

The next picture post will probably be in Picton, after next Wednesday.

Main Man, Out.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Picture Descriptions for 34 and 35

Katimavik - Part 34 is actually not taken in a Katimavik activity, but is rather my time back in Ontario during my 48 hours off at the end of April. There's a couple of shots of the view from my window seat (thanks Mom), both on takeoff and on a clear, night landing in Toronto. I spent most of the weekend hanging out with people, and the rest of the pictures were from Danielle's house on Saturday night. There might have been some on Sunday, except for the fact that I partially dropped my camera into the hot tub. The gang present includes Bryan, Megs, Danielle, Steve and me.

Katimavik - Part 35 begins with why you should sleep in your bed, because if you don't you get pictures taken of you. Then we had two friends of a group member stay a couple of nights with us, as they traveled across Canada on tour. We did some community volunteering on the Trans-Canada Trail, raking bark chips flat for paths. It not only poured rain in the late afternoon, but sleet and hail as a bonus. We stopped working at that point. This is followed by some pictures of our quaint, little St. Norbert Katimahouse, and a peaceful participant in the doorway.

There is a chance that I may get album 36 up this week, but for those who don't remember how busy last rotation time was, this is slim chance.

Remember to check out the videos.

Main Man, Out.

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Videos are now available at Ed's Tech Blog. I've posted a number so far, with the near future including Magnetic Hill and other amazing Katimavik moments.

Main Man, Out.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Main Man Unveils Two New Blogs!

The first new blog to be unveiled is one that has been a while in the making. It will be pre-approved access, via e-mail subscription, as it contains non-pg 13 content. The address will be give upon successful subscription. As always, Ed's E-mail

The second blog has had no preceding fanfare whatsoever as it was entirely a spur of the moment decision to create. This one is available at Ed Main Tech. I figure that this is a place for me to write out my thoughts on technology, and that it may or may not see any readership. Feel free if you disagree to post a comment, if you wish to make posts for me to look at send me an email or comment and I will subscribe you. Also, once I get my act together I will be posting the movies shot with my camera via YouTube on this blog.

Hope you enjoy.

Main Man, Out.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I Don't Know!

Well, I figured that I should post something re: my 48 hours off and going home. It was a blast though I would have enjoyed a few more days. I got about 6 hours of sleep, and another 2 hours on the plane home. Highlights include, hanging with friends, seeing everybody at church, befuddling people with the beard, and spending an hour and a half sitting in the front seat of a Land Rover Range Rover Sport Supercharged. Wow.

Low points include it only being 48 hours long, my dropping of the camera into the hot tub, and the weather in Winnipeg upon my return.

All in all, a very enjoyable weekend!

Main Man, Out.